Take my experience and advice very lightly. All that I did yesterday was take each different solution and approach and put it into one method. When I looked up how others dealt with the similar issues, each had a different solution or approach to this in which every single one led up to Windows 10 32-bit. It used to go up only to 720p and even then it would stutter with the 'h264ify' extension from Chrome.
During that time, I have been just wanting to make a normal everyday use computer, yet the drivers for the GPU are never detected. I used to have a GT 730 4gb DDR3 GPU in the unit until I put the original ATI RV370 or X300 GPU back in it yesterday. I got a hold of a Dell XPS 400 which had a bad motherboard, and I switched for a Dell Precision T3400.
I'm not in any way a technician or engineer by any means.